Repeat after me, “I matter”. And so if you matter (and I’m here to tell you with 100% certainty that you DO), then what is that one thing that you need to do for you. What is the one thing that you’ve known that you needed but you haven’t taken any steps to make it happen because there are a thousand reasons why you feel you shouldn’t expect it, or want it, or need it.
There is a story that led me to the point in my life when I stopped believing that I mattered. Who knows, maybe I never really believed that I did matter. I can’t even remember the moment when I started to try these two words out in my mouth but it wasn’t that long ago. I tried it out over and over and at first it felt foul in my mouth. Yes, I matter but. NO! Stop. You matter, you just do. You come into this world mattering more than anything to everyone that you come in contact with and you hadn’t done a thing. You’d simply been born. You were an absolute freaking gift to this universe. A blessing! And you still are. It doesn’t matter to me what you’ve done that makes you feel that this is no longer true or what others have done to you that gave you the impression that you don’t. There is a way forward now. It’s time for us both to get back to that inner child who once knew innately and by instinct, if only for a moment upon that first breathe, that we mattered!
I will tell you the whole story one day but this is just not the time. There is a time and a place for everything and this is just not it. But I will tell you this. There are a number of decisions that I have made in the last six months that I have made because I finally came to terms with the fact that I matter. I have stood up for myself in ways that I never would have before. I have taken time for myself as a mom completely guilt free. I have booked courses that I have been dreaming of taking for a lifetime. I have made major life decisions on this one little affirmation, I matter.
Yes, I understand that you might be thinking “but so do they”. You’d be right. Other people in your life absolutely matter as much as you do, but not more. That is the point that I’m trying to make here. We sometimes have a bad habit of going out of our way, in spite of our hunger, fatigue, state of mental and emotional health of giving even though we quite literally have nothing left to give. We don’t fight for what we need and deserve because we buy into the notion that we’re not worth fighting for. Somehow others are worth fighting for but not us?
So repeat after me, "I matter". Play around with this concept this week. Look at yourself in the mirror and say it. Look at others and say it. Shout it from the damn mountain tops. It’s time that we start acting like we matter because we absolutely, 100%, do matter!
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