Ok fellow serenity seekers, we need to talk! It's been a billion days of us going up and down on this rollercoaster called COVID. I feel that it's time for me to share some tips with you on how to stay sane "during this difficult time". I honestly didn't think that I would write a post about this pandemic. If you're like me, you're totally over it! You don't necessarily want to talk about it any longer but I'm confident that these tidbits will be worth it. So many aspects of this "unpredictable time in our lives" have us more divided, more worried and more fatigued than we've perhaps ever been. This is exactly why we need to implement some new daily habits to keep us going. So here are my short and sweet tips for staying happy and sane when you're staying home.
1. Take a play break. Play is the first thing on my list because it's likely the last on yours. When was the last time that you took the time to do something that makes you laugh from your belly? When we're happy and grounded, we have an easier time concentrating and being productive in our work. Play can give you a boost of feel good hormones. This advice applies whether or not you have littles at home. Grab a pet to play with perhaps. My little bengal kitten makes everyone laugh when we get her toys going. Do anything that has a high likelihood of causing laugher. You might feel inclined to guilt over spending 20 mins just playing, but just trust me. You could just put on your favourite jam and dance around. I'm a big fan of a new Nelly Furtado's album at the moment called The Spirit Indestructible.
2. Sleep. I've written an entire article about sleep but here are a few quick tips. Set your phone to remind you when it's time to wind down. My iPhone tells me every night at 9 pm that it's time to start putting things away. Creating a bedtime routine is not just for kids. This is the time to put all of the work away and start to find a bit of quiet before settling in for slumber. We need structure when it comes to a bedtime routine so that our brains become programmed to know when it's time for sleep. This can prevent that hour or two laying awake and waiting to get sleeping enough to fall asleep. Run a bath. Grab a weighted blanket. Read. Put on sleepy music. Do whatever it is that helps you wind down and start this process early enough to leave you cozy and sleepy when you want to be drifting off. By the way, I've been getting up without an alarm for several days now because I'm going to bed early. I use this time for a coffee before the kids wake up and the noise begins in the house. Maybe even set the alarm to get up 15 mins early to sip a coffee before anyone else is up. You'd be pleasantly surprised to see how your mood shifts.
3. Unplug. Speaking of winding down. Our brains are so stimulated these days. While we are home watching the news to see what happens next, working on computers 8 hours plus per day and helping our kids stay on track with schooling, our brains can feel fried at the end of the day. Take some time to unplug and give you brain and your eyes a rest. P.S. This might be a great time for play!
4. Exercise. Pick your poison and get the blood pumping for at least 15-20 mins. Perhaps even watch a quick video of stretches to counter sitting at your desk. A walk in nature and taking time to actually observe your surroundings can be soul nourishing and grounding. Maybe even bring some food for the critters too!
5. Music. I am a big fan of downloading "study" playlists. They have an amazing way of helping me concentrate. At the very least though, try to make uplifting music a part of your daily routine.
6. Gratitude. As cliche as it may seem, this really does help. When you want to scream, sit down and write a five things for which you are grateful. Gratitude is also very grounding and helps us put what 'we're going through into perspective.
So those are my favourite ways of staying sane and getting through the day at the moment. Sometimes, you're going to feel as though you're barely doing a thing and you're exhausted. You may feel as though you only have enough in you to survive. That's ok. You're doing amazing! We're going to get through this one way or another. You may as well try to get through it with as much calm and serenity as is possible.
Until next time, wishing you all health and happiness!
xo Kat